p1.0.2 Update (Undo-Redo, Bugfix/QoL)
Project Handicraft » Devlog
Big changes:
- Undo-Redo System using Z/Y. It's still relatively bare bones and will be improved later, I just want to see how it works for other people so that I don't waste my time doing polish that must later be removed due to bugs and whatnot. I am aware that the buttons will not be correct depending on the users keyboard layout, I will address that later
- The expected Goal now also lies on the working grid in the background. I have seen many players misinterpreting the length of goals or parts of it, hopefully players now have an easier time with that
- Two shapes that are connected on a single vertex will now be split when cutting. Merging does not do the split currently, if players see shapes that need to be split after merging, notify me
Minor changes:
- Cutting Tutorial slightly restructured. Players now have an easier time at the beginning
- Duplication-Unlock XP-Cost is increased, Duplication cost is slightly decreased
- Debugging information is now hidden and can be toggled on or off by F1
- Dust particles are created when dropping a shape now. While it doesn't seem that spectacular, I now have a way to create particles that shoot outside a Shape that is useful for all sorts of later particle effects that I want to create
- The holding preview on the goal updates if the hold shape changes by a merge
- The holding preview on the goal does no longer overshoot the grid
What's next: As both the Undo-Redo and the splitting of shapes if they connect on a single vertex are complicated code that will probably take some time to get bugfree and stable, the next update will probably focus on presentation, i.e. creating art, particle effects, maybe sound and in general just make the game feel better
p1.0.2.zip Play in browser
87 days ago
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